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Super fun Ren'Py game full of surprises which I've not seen anything like it! I love how the puzzle gameplay is incorporated from everything that's already in the engine, so the VN itself feels very streamlined.

I was at first confused why the Spellbook led to the Preferences screen, but then it clicked that it's really the right screen. I wanted to solve everything without reading the guide and it's intuitive enough to be the case. It kind of reminds me of the vibe of encountering DS games for the first time that requires the 2 screens hardware to solve puzzles and having had no idea it could even do that stuff.

The VN story itself is also nice with plentiful developments in the limited word space, so in its whole it's a great package for an O2A2 VN Jam game!


I love what you did with the mechanics for this game. It really stood out as different and unique. I also loved the character model. Though storywise, I wish there were at least two different endings and I wish all of the bad endings weren't exactly the same. Though I had a fun time deciphering the spellbook. 


oh,that's the first time i played a game with this stuff,using the configs has a play mechanic,it was fun.I bummer it's so short tho.thank you for the game


cool game


hi again, i played the game and really like it, your development log really helped, after i saw the first hint, i didn't have trouble again, since i know how the game kinda worked now, and i really love the mechanic, using the games spellbook was really a cool idea, i really wanted to play this so i can make a video on it, so people can hopefully see this small hidden gem, and it's kinda like a video walkthrough of the video, lol

Wow, this is great! Thanks for making a video on our stuff! Glad you enjoyed the experience and thanks for your feedback on the mechanics :)

keep up the good work, n would live to see more stuff from you this creative


no idea what to do, no hint on other mechanics, for someone like me that never played a game that messes with the mechanics in a visual novel type format, i am extremely confused

Heyo~ Thanks for the heads up! I originally wanted to include a hint button but it would count towards the strict 1000 word limit. I'll make a dev log update with the walkthrough so people can check it out if they get stuck!

okay, thank you! 

Heyo. The walkthrough has been posted in the latest development log. Please let me know if the steps seem clear ^_^


The mechanics are unbelievably creative - this is just brilliant use of the common things, really thinking outside the box! Congrats on the release and looking forward to you next games ;)


Thank you Kelanael! It was just as much programming it as it was to play it. Hope I get to play around with even more Ren'Py features in the future!


Such a cool use of game mechanics, and a sweet little story. Great stuff <3

Glad you enjoyed it Lukas. Thanks for playing!


This game was suuuuuuper creative in its mechanics! I had a lot of fun playing through it! I don't wanna say too many details because I don't want to accidentally spoil people reading the comments!  Thank you for making it and congratulations on completing O2A2!!


Thank you~! I'm glad you found it fun! And thanks, this was my first game jam on Itch. It has been a blast!


This is such a clever, creative game. I haven't been this blown away by a meta game in a long time. This was a treat to play. Thank you for making it!


Thanks Katy! We took a risk with playing around the menu screens but I was glad it paid off! I hope to check out your works soon :)


Interesting game and clever use of the engine (^^)

Thank you! Glad the engine ended up working in the end~


creative use of the internal ren'py systems~ uwu

Thanks for the kind comment! It was fun trying to script this thing haha...